ICU Cleaning is well experienced in the commercial window cleaning field servicing companies in Brisbane and the greater Brisbane area. Our extensive range of commercial window cleaning service includes; shops, shop fronts, cafes, restaurants, business, warehouses, franchises and etc. and with the help of our professional cleaners, you get the best appearance for your commercial premises. Realising the specific needs of the customers, we provide customised packages to run the cleaning weekly, fortnightly, monthly – to best accommodate your needs. We use high quality tools to help get the high quality finish our customers want.
You can find what the customers are saying about the commercial window cleaning service from us at the testimonials section.

Need help to make a booking, please call 0401 580 803 and we will be happy to help, leave a message if we are up a ladder and cannot pick up, or send us an email : [email protected]
Please read our *Terms & Conditions before booking. By making a booking, you agree to our *Terms & Conditions